[Classweb-users] Issue with conducting the first search in ClassWeb

Simpkins, Terry W. tsimpkin at middlebury.edu
Fri Nov 5 12:46:15 EDT 2021

Hi Susan
I have been seeing this consistently as well.  It only happens once, and then seems to straighten itself out (i.e. the desired resource loads as it should).

Terry Simpkins
Director, Discovery and Access Services
Davis Family Library
Middlebury, VT 05753
tsimpkin at middlebury.edu

> On Nov 5, 2021, at 12:43 PM, Susan Moore <susan.moore at uni.edu> wrote:
> Hello,
> I've had this issue all week and am wondering if anyone else is. When I
> first connect to ClassWeb in Firefox and click on search I get
> the following message:
> The page you requested cannot be found.
> For assistance with this site, please contact:
> *Library of Congress Cataloging Distribution Service Customer Services
> Section Washington, DC 20540-4912 Phone: (855) 266-1884 (US only)
>  or (202) 707-6100 FAX: (202) 707-1771 If I click on the browser back
> button and then click on search again, I get the search menu. Is this
> happening for anyone else?Susan MooreUniversity of Northern IowaCedar
> Falls, IA  50614susan.moore at uni.edu <susan.moore at uni.edu>*
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