[Classweb-users] Remote access for Classification Web

Hayward, Patricia A phay at loc.gov
Thu Mar 19 15:20:55 EDT 2020

Dear Classification Web users:

Classification Web may be used offsite, but these settings may need to be enabled in your account. All account administrators (using username and administrative password) can make these changes themselves without needing to contact the Library of Congress. Below are some different options you may consider:

1.       Username and password: Classification Web can be set up with a "read-only" password. Users can log in with the username and the read-only password to access the product anywhere. This option is configured by accessing the Settings menu (upper left corner, the 3-line menu) and then the Login tab.

2.       Registering a computer: End-user computers can be configured to automatically log in from home by registering their computer with Classification Web customer. Once a computer is registered in this way, it can use the auto-login menu (https://classweb.org/Auto/)  and no further login credentials are required. Note that the account administrator must enable this option in their Account Settings before users can register their computers.

Very helpful information can be found here (no need to log in to read this document):


If you have further questions or need further assistance, please don't hesitate to contact us!!

Thanks for being a Classification Web customer:

Patricia A. Hayward
Product services librarian
Library of Congress
Policy, Training, and Cooperative Programs Division
Mailstop 4263
101 Independence Ave. SE
Washington, DC 20540
phay at loc.gov<mailto:phay at loc.gov>

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