[Classweb-users] standard for item record

Ryan Tamares rtamares at law.stanford.edu
Wed Mar 18 11:14:27 EDT 2020

I have yet to see an ILS that actually utilizes and displays barcode data
per the strict MARC holdings definition. Useful information to have,

Ryan Tamares

*Ryan Tamares*
*Head of Collection Services — Robert Crown Law Library*
*Stanford Law School*

650 724.6454
rtamares at law.stanford.edu

On Sun, Mar 15, 2020 at 4:41 PM Prochazka,David <david53 at uakron.edu> wrote:

> It's part of the MARC format for holdings data:
> https://www.loc.gov/marc/holdings/.
> MARC 21 Format for Holdings Data: Table of Contents (Network Development
> and MARC Standards Office, Library of Congress)<
> https://www.loc.gov/marc/holdings/>
> This page lists the table of contents for the MARC 21 Format for Holdings
> Data (Network Development and MARC Standards Office, Library of Congress)
> www.loc.gov
> David—
> David Procházka | Music/Special Materials Cataloger | The University of
> Akron | Bierce Library 261C | Akron, Ohio  44325-1712 | 330-972-6260 |
> davidp at uakron.edu | https://works.bepress.com/david-prochazka/
> ________________________________
> From: Classweb-users <classweb-users-bounces at classificationweb.net> on
> behalf of Mark Weiler <mweiler at alumni.sfu.ca>
> Sent: Sunday, March 15, 2020 3:02 PM
> To: classweb-users at classificationweb.net <
> classweb-users at classificationweb.net>
> Subject: [Classweb-users] standard for item record
> I understand MARC defines bib records, holding records, but not the item
> record (e.g., barcode).  I heard it's an ISO standard. Does anyone know the
> exact standard or URL for it?
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