[Classweb-users] MARC download of records enabled in Classification Web

Hayward, Patricia A phay at loc.gov
Mon Dec 28 12:19:36 EST 2020

Hello Classification Web users,
MARC record download (in UTF-8 format) has now been added to Classification Web. On MARC record pages, look for the download arrow in the lower left hand portion of the page. Full information on this new feature is available here:


Feedback and suggestions may be sent to:
Patricia Hayward, phay at loc.gov<mailto:phay at loc.gov>

Stay safe and thank you for using Classification Web!

Patricia A. Hayward
Product services librarian
Library of Congress
Policy, Training, and Cooperative Programs Division
Mailstop 4263
101 Independence Ave. SE
Washington, DC 20540
phay at loc.gov<mailto:phay at loc.gov>

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