[Classweb-users] New feature added to Classification Web

Hayward, Patricia A phay at loc.gov
Mon Dec 21 16:49:01 EST 2020

Hello Classification Web users:
A new feature has been added to Classification Web: the ability to directly search or browse Library of Congress bibliographic records through 11 access points. Records are displayed in MARC format.

On the Main Menu, look for "LC Bibliographic File" between  "LC Name Authority File" and "Bibliographic Correlations." In addition, the Bibliographic File may be accessed using the upper left hand "hamburger" (3 lines) menu throughout all screens.

The option to search the LC Bibliographic File will also be visible in the drop-down white "chiclet" menu as well.

Please send any feedback/suggestions to: Patricia Hayward, phay at loc.gov<mailto:phay at loc.gov>

Thanks very  much for being Classification Web users!

Stay safe,

Patricia A. Hayward
Product services librarian
Library of Congress
Policy, Training, and Cooperative Programs Division
Mailstop 4263
101 Independence Ave. SE
Washington, DC 20540
phay at loc.gov<mailto:phay at loc.gov>

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