[Classweb-users] Cancelled class numbers

Ngoc-My Guidarelli nguidare at vcu.edu
Fri Apr 3 15:39:08 EDT 2020

A colleague is monitoring classification numbers cancellations on LC
Classification list. The list she checked was #4 (April 15, 2019).
There were two numbers that were indicated as cancelled:

LB1027.23 for Active learning

LC71.2 for Educational planning

However, as she verified these numbers on ClassWeb, they looked as though
they are still valid.

We wonder why there is such a discrepancy,

Thank you for any explanation you may have,


Ngoc-My Guidarelli
Catalog Librarian / Adjunct Faculty, School of World Studies
James Branch Cabell Library
Virginia Commonwealth University
Richmond - VA 23284
Phone: (804) 827-3600
Fax:     (804) 828-0151
E-mail:  nguidare at vcu.edu

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