[Classweb-users] Typo in Honore de Balzac breakdown in Enhanced Browser?

Judith M. Shelton LIBJMS at langate.gsu.edu
Wed Nov 15 11:40:07 EST 2006

I'm trying to classify a translation of Les contes drolatiques.  
At PQ2164 there is a note under Translations: "Where the original
language is English, French or German, omit numbers for original
language in .A31-.A59 below.  

Indented under that is PQ2164.A31-.A39  English. By translator, if
given, or date.  
Below that, in line with Translations is PQ2164.A4-.A49  English

Indented under that is PQ2164.A5-.A59 German. By translator, if given,
or date. followed by 

PQ2164.A6-.A69 Other. By language.  

Shouldn't PQ2164.A4-.A49 be French and shouldn't it line up with
English, German and Other?  And I assume that it if it is the number for
French, it is the range to be omitted per the note above since Balzac
originally wrote in French.


Judith M. Shelton, Asst. Head, Catalog Dept.
University Library, Georgia State University

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