[Classweb-announce] Credit Card Payment Option Now Available for Class Web

Hayward, Patricia A phay at loc.gov
Tue Nov 22 09:15:57 EST 2011

Attention Classification Web subscribers:

You can now process your own subscription renewals and make changes to your account when processing your renewal using our secure online credit card payment system.

To renew your Classification Web subscription by credit card, please do the following:

1.  When there is less than 90 days left in your subscription period, there will be a "Renew Subscription" button after your expiration date. Click on that button to initiate a credit card payment.  Note that payments can only be made when your subscription will expire within 90 days.

2.  Click on the "Preferences" link on the Class Web main menu and look in the "Subscription Information" section of your preferences. You must use your administrative password to see your subscription information and be able to renew. Read-only access (via read-only password or auto-login by IP address) just displays the current preferences with no subscription data.

This is a trial run for Classification Web only. If successful, CDS will extend this secure payment option to other products and services.

If you want to to know more about the security of the credit card payment option, please visit the class web help page: http://classificationweb.net/Help/paygov.html.

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